Myth and magic combine in the second instalment of K.T. Kaye’s addictive bestselling fantasy adventure series, set in a captivating paranormal world on the brink of war against an army of bloodthirsty demons.
Raised in the human world, Jason Dragonheart was blissfully unaware of the fact that he was the final reincarnation of the Master of Darkness, a legendary paranormal hero, and the fact that he had a sister, the Mistress of Light.
After a prophecy reveals that she will awaken soon, Jason and Lightning Squad find themselves embroiled in an epic quest to find the Mistress of Light before the demons do.
However, with Captain Angel Night a fugitive, and Jason struggling to cope with his extraordinary powers (that he doesn’t know how to use), the squad soon find themselves at the mercy of a complex scheme where nothing and no one is as they seem.
Mistress of Light is the second charmingly dark and humorous instalment in K.T. Kaye’s bestselling fantasy series The Dragonheart Chronicles.
When I was a teenager (long over decade ago now), I suffered from severe panic-attacks. They were so bad that I had to take medication…not fun! During this time, I started writing Master of Darkness. Back then it was called “Fang High” (I was twelve…don’t judge!) and was set in a demon fighting school. The novel went over many, MANY changes over the next ten years, however several of the main characters remained the same (Jason, Angel, Alexander, Danny, and Sophie all managed to survive the numerous cast changes – though their storylines changed a great deal). But one thing that didn’t change was that I didn’t want to write about a brave “let’s save the world” type hero. I wanted a character who suffered from panic attacks just like me, yet still managed to be a hero.
And thus, Jason Dragonheart was created
– a note from K.T. Kaye –
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